Log in to Moodle Security Testing Instance
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If you want to get started quickly, and don't mind sharing accounts with other researchers, below are credentials for some sample users to help you get started. Click on any of the role titles below to see more information about the types of access each is expected to have.
- Site administrator: Username: research_admin, password: Research_password1
- Student: Username: student, password: Student1!
- Teacher: Username: teacher, password: Teacher1!
- Manager: Username: manager, password: Manager1!
Is this your first time here?
For full access to this site, you first need to create an account.
We recommend researchers create multiple users. This will allow you to test users in different roles, as well as
test any interactions between users. For more information about each of the roles (eg students and teachers),
see the Standard roles documentation.
To enrol your users in courses and set up their roles, log in using the Site administrator credentials listed below, as they have access to enrol users in all of the available courses. See the manual enrolment documentation for more information about how to perform enrolments.
If you wish to set up your own site administrator or site manager, the process is slightly different, and is covered in the Assign roles documentation.